Sibaya | 07 Jun 2019 | By Sun International
Durban Child and Youth Care Centre’s Saunders House Renovated and Ready for Operation
Kudzai Mqingwana and Tristan Kaatze
Founded in 1905, the Durban Child and Youth Care Centre has provided residential care to thousands of children in need of care and protection for the past 114 years. Three of the four buildings along Lena Ahrens Road that are ‘home’ to children receiving services from the organisation are now older than 100 years. These sturdy buildings have certainly stood the test of time however as should be expected of centenarian’s they require constant care and attention to keep going. This is of course a costly task in an age where maintenance costs are so high.
Having last undergone a major renovation during 1990, the roof of Saunders House at 265 Lena Ahrens Road was in dire need of extensive repair. The organisation was thrilled when the Sibaya Community Trust confirmed in 2016 that they would fund the work required to ensure the safety of the roof and in addition attended to numerous other maintenance needs within the building. After countless challenges, the renovations were completed during May 2019 with the house reopening and children moving back in.
The Durban Child and Youth Care Centre is delighted with the outcome of the renovation which has ensured that a number of the safety requirements in terms of the Norms and Standards for Child and Youth Care Centres has been addressed.
“The extent of the renovations required a substantial investment by the Sibaya Community Trust and the organisation extends its gratitude to the chairperson, Vivian Reddy and the trustees for having committed to undertaking this project. At a time when many children in our country continue to suffer from the consequences of poverty and social ills within family structures the need for centres such as ours remains crucial. Keeping the doors to our service open is only made possible through the support we receive from the community and the Sibaya Community Trust has now ensured that one of our four buildings has had new life breathed into it and so will be able to meet the needs of hundreds of children for many years to come”, said Mrs. Mandy Goble, Director of the Durban Child and Youth Care Centre.
Pro Print, a long standing donor is also acknowledged for providing funding which has allowed for the installation of an electronic fire alarm and detection system which ensures compliance with the related regulation of the National Buildings Regulations and Buildings Standards Act. The Glenwood Rotarians are also acknowledged for the donation of two Jojo tanks and the cost of installing them. Having a newly renovated house, meant that we needed to equip this house with necessary appliances and furniture in order to make it ‘home’ for our children. We would like to acknowledge a special and dear friend, Miss. Yvette Roberts, for her wonderful contribution, which helped us purchase all the basic appliances needed. The home is now operational but is still in need of suitable furniture and equipment, any members of the community seeking to offer assistance to the organisation can contact 0312011301 or email