
Latest News | 18 May 2021 | By Sun International

Sun City Resort earns coveted environmental management certification

Sun City Resort has been awarded an ISO 14001 certification for the responsible manner in which it interacts with the environment and its use of scarce resources.

The North West resort received the award for water and energy management, joining the ranks of prestigious European hotels.

ISO 14001 is an international certification and systematic framework to manage the immediate and long-term environmental impact of an organisation’s products, services, and processes.

Saving water

Sun City has implemented a freshwater management project that focuses on specific business partners, pools and mechanical plants/equipment that require vast amounts of water to operate. The project has resulted in considerable water savings.

“We implemented a water balance project aimed at accounting for all water use, which includes metering from primary freshwater sources to the end-user, and accounting for all water treated after use,” explains Lwazi Mswelanto, Safety, Health and Environmental Manager at Sun City.

The resort also has its own wastewater treatment plant, which produces grey water used to irrigate the Gary Player Country Club and the Lost City golf courses, an “essential water conservation measure”.

Live meters have also been installed to measure water flow from all hotels, staff accommodation facilities, Bush Bungalows, the Sun Vacation Club, the Valley of Waves, the golf courses, and other on-site leisure activities.

The project started in 2020 and phase two is set for September 2021.

“The objective is to enable early detection of leaks and effect repairs promptly. In addition, we can use and analyse consumption data based on seasons and occupancies.”

A WasteWater Treatment Plant (WWTP) is located within Sun City Resort, where sewerage waste is treated and processed to produce greywater for irrigation. The plant produces at least 2,000 cubic litres of water per day to irrigate the golf courses. | Photo by Sun International

Managing energy

In terms of energy management, Sun City recently completed a solar project for its staff village. This project has mitigated the rising cost of electricity and ensures a reliable power supply. It involved replacing 700 old element geysers with 216 solar units, saving at least 90 000kWh per month and more than 1MWh per year.

Mswelanto explains there is also a planned solar project aimed at pre-heating boiler water to a temperature of above 50°C before the water heaters increase the temperature to an ideal 65°C. This project will further lower the resort’s electricity bill.

In addition, more than 15 000 halogens downlighters were replaced with LED ones. “This resulted in an energy saving of at least 400kWh. Street signage and building lights have also been converted to LED.”

Sun City’s staff village, where employees reside, has 216 solar units, saving at least 90 000 kWh per month and more than 1MWh per annum. | Photo by Sun International

The most cost-effective and eco-friendly power source is used in the kitchens to prepare food. The LPG infrastructure has been replaced and repaired; new vaporisers have been installed at all four bulk tanks and connected to the Building Management System to accurately monitor tank levels and receive instant warnings.

“The entire purpose of sustainable environmental management is to reduce waste, consumption of resources, and limit the damaging effects organisations have on the environment,” says Mswelanto. “Public perception is at the core of our operations, as we aim to have a positive reputation with surrounding communities.”

Mswelanto says it is important for guests to know that their chosen destination conforms to international norms and standards in managing environmental impact. This sustainable focus, he adds, will also boost economic growth as the resort attracts more visitors.

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