Sun International (South Africa) Ltd t/a Sun Vacation Club is not affiliated to any rental company and/or natural person and will not be liable for any action or negligence on their part. We thus warn the public to refrain from making bookings via 3rd parties. Read More ›
Reservation and Space Banking Rules
Reservation Process
Booking and reservation procedures change depending on your membership type and the week you wish to book.
- Contact Sun Vacation Club Customer Care on +27 11 780 7811. Alternatively you may e-mail:
- Quote your Sun Vacation Club member number and go through the mandatory security checks.
- Flexi members: Request the dates you wish to occupy.
- Peak Week members: Confirm your Peak Week reservation.
- The reservation confirmation letter will be e-mailed or faxed to you.
- Retain the reservation confirmation letter to obtain entrance at Sun City.
Peak Week Members
Confirm your Peak Week by contacting Sun International Central Reservations (CRO). The reservation confirmation letter will be emailed to you. Retain the reservation confirmation letter to obtain entrance at the resort requested.
NB: Flexi members book at least 90 days prior to the end of your anniversary period. Peak week members contract CRO a minimum of 90 days prior to your peak week falling due, either to reserve your week or to reserve flexi space. Advance reservations will only be allowed provided that the subscription fee is paid up or that the debit order is current with no defaults.
Reservation Rules
- The onus is on the member to contact Sun Vacation Club timeously to make a reservation on their unused timeshare.
- Should a member not utilise their Flexi season timeshare module (s) within their annual anniversary period (i.e. prior to their anniversary expiry date), they will forfeit their annual usage.
- Should a Peak season member not utilise their timeshare module (s) on the first day of their peak occupation check-in date, they will forfeit their annual usage.
- Unused timeshare module(s) do not carry over to the next occupation cycle.
- Should a reservation be confirmed and there is no occupancy at the resort, this will be noted as a “No Show” resulting in your time being forfeited.
- No reservations may be made in excess of 12 months in advance of the date on which the reservation is requested (a specific time module may be used only once in any particular anniversary year).
- If a members purchase (sales) and (or) levy account is in arrears the membership profile will be blocked from making a reservation.
- Units are allocated by resort management as and when they become available for occupation. Regrettably no unit requests will be acknowledged and guaranteed to our members and guests.
- Flexi modules will be reserved through Sun Vacation Club’s Customer Contact Centre on a first come first served basis, without any preferential bias.
- Members will only be able to reserve within the parameters of the particular module(s) type held, i.e. weekend and midweek and within the property that they have purchased (i.e. The Reserve or the Aviary or Lefika Villas).
- To secure a full week the member must have acquired both a mid-week and a weekend membership.
- The number of timeshare modules acquired by a member determines the number of units that may be used during a particular anniversary year.
- However members with more than 5 flexi season timeshare modules are restricted to only book a maximum of 5 units during high demand flexi dates, such as long weekends (public holidays) or during the December flexi period.
- This is done to accommodate the high demand, limited supply factor during this time and thus assist as many members as possible with reservation requests.
- Members may transfer the use of their reserved module/s to other named persons.
- The relevant section of the confirmation letter must then be completed.
- Entry at the relevant resort gate will only be allowed on presentation of this confirmation letter.
- The member remains liable for any damage caused by such member guest(s).
- Members may not rent out or resell their reservation for financial gain. Failure to comply will result in the reservation being cancelled and the membership terminated as per the signed contract.
- Should members use less than the days to which they are entitled, no credit will be carried over and the full subscription fee remains due.
- No rental pool facility for the members is provided by Sun International.
- Flexi members only may change their reservation dates and this must be done 21 days or more prior to the member’s arrival date.
- A booking fee of R300 will be charged for changes made per reservation.
- The revised date(s) must be within the flexi members anniversary cycle, otherwise the member will forfeit their time should they not bank this with RCI or TRC.
- A reservation cannot be changed or cancelled should the member request a change to the reservation date 20 days or less prior to a member’s arrival date.
- Members may instead space bank this with RCI or TRC and request an exchange. The exchange fees are payable to RCI or TRC on confirmation of a successful exchange.
- Peak weeks are resort specific and must be used as designated by the annual resort calendar.
- Peak week modules cannot be transferred, converted or exchanged for a different peak week unless space banked with RCI within their terms and conditions.
- Peak season weeks are guaranteed reservations and should you not occupy your usage, this will be noted as a “No Show” resulting in your time being forfeited.
- Servicing of the units is available on request only during the duration of your stay. Units will be deep cleaned and sanitised prior to each guest arrival. Upon check-in, complimentary guests supplies are supplied as a starter pack only.
- Check-in is from 14h00 and check-out is strictly before 10h00. Please note that no early check-in or check-out will be permitted. Failure to comply with the check-out time will result in a penalty fee of R2000.00 being applied.
Space Banking (i.e. Depositing) Process
- Contact Sun Vacation Club Monday-Friday during office hours (08:30am-17:00pm) via:
- Email: or
- SVC Customer Care: 011 780 7811
- Quote your Sun Vacation Club membership number or alternatively your ID number when requesting to space bank your time.
- Should your space bank request be approved, Sun Vacation Club will proceed with space banking your unused time and send the space bank letter directly to RCI or TRC on your behalf.
- RCI or TRC will notify you via SMS or email within 48 hours to confirm your space banking and the number of points allocated.
Space Banking Rules
- The onus is on the member to contact Sun Vacation Club timeously to request to space bank your unused timeshare.
- Flexi season: during annual anniversary cycle and before expiry date
- Peak season: prior to annual peak week check-in date
- The Registry Collection (TRC) peak season members must space bank their Peak week a maximum 60 working days prior to the Peak season week check-in date
- Unused annual timeshare does not roll over to the next occupation or anniversary cycle and it is not space banked without the member’s request.
- Should a member not utilise their timeshare module (s) within their annual anniversary period (i.e. prior to their anniversary expiry date) or during their annual peak week, they will forfeit their usage.
- Space banking requests received after the anniversary expiry date or peak week check-in date will be denied and thus not processed.
- Space banking requests received less than 60 working days for Peak season TRC members will be denied and thus not processed.
- The Space Banking request will only be allowed provided that the purchase (sales) and (or) levy payments are up to date.
- The annual levy amount must be fully paid prior to the space banking being processed.
- Should a member wish to bank the current and future anniversary cycles, then the member must ensure that the full annual levy amount due for both cycles is fully paid.
- If payment is received post the anniversary expiry date than the banking will not be processed and the member will forfeit their time.
Things you need to know about spacebanking with RCI®
- It’s free to Spacebank with RCI®
- Levies must be paid before you Spacebank.
- If you own a Flexi or Floating week, ask your resort for allocation and request it to be sent to RCI® to be Spacebanked.
- You will receive trading points when you Spacebank your week/s.
- Your trading points can be used to Exchange for another holiday at a different resort.
- You can view your trading points by visiting
- Spacebank 180 days before your week starts for maximum trading points.
- You lose trading power if you do not Spacebank early.
- Spacebank via the call center or Online 24/7.
- If you Spacebank a week, you can add a waitlist against it.
- Spacebanks can be blocked or frozen if levies are not paid.
- Spacebanks are key to making the Exchange system work for you.
- You can travel up to 3 years after the start of your Spacebanked week.
- Once you Spacebank your week, you can let friends and family use it by purchasing a Guest Certificate.
- If you don’t want to go back to your own resort, always Spacebank your week.
- Keep track of your Spacebanks online or via the account statement emailed monthly.

SVC Calendar
Updated on 19 March 2025, these calendars are subject to change.