Our Top 100 stand a chance to win more than
in cash and a Ford Raptor!
Earn points from 1 September to 27 October
Sunday 3 November 2024 | 15h00
Venue: Privè
How to enter
- The top 100 points earners during the promotional period will be invited to a draw on Sunday 3 November 2024.
- Participants earn points to qualify for entry by playing slots or tables during the promotional period, which commences at 07h00 on 1 September 2024 and terminates on 27 October at 23h59.
- The leaderboard will display the top 100 positions and include their account number and running points earned.
- Tickets will be issued according to their play, ie based on their top 100 % contribution. The calculations will be shared with the team.
- The top 5 points earners will be auto qualifiers and will therefore receive guaranteed cash prizes as per their ranking on the leaderboard and will progress to the final car draw.
- The balance of 95 top points earners will be entered into a draw, where 5 people will be chosen.
- The 5 auto qualifiers and the 5 draw winners, will then participate in a gimmick where one person will win the car and the rest will win cash.
- Any person who is under 18 years, or who has been excluded, or who is self-excluded, or who falls into any category of excluded persons, is expressly prohibited from participating in the “Chase is On” promotional competition (“promotional competition”).
- This promotional competition is exclusive to Sun MVG members, and is closed to any persons who are directors, members, partners, employees, agents, or consultants of or any other person who directly or indirectly controls or is controlled by the company or marketing service providers, or spouses, life partners, business partners or immediate family members. In addition, all persons who are precluded from participating in gambling activities as determined in the Sun International Employees, Suppliers, Service Providers and Concessionaires Gambling Policy may not participate in this promotional competition.
- Participants earn points to qualify for entry tickets during the promotional period which commences on 1 September 2024 and terminates on 27 October 2024 by playing slots or tables whilst using their Sun MVG cards in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Sun MVG programme. The aforegoing dates commence and terminate in line with the gaming day of the casino.
- Entries cannot be purchased for cash, points or through any other form of consideration. The number of valid entries are unlimited.
- Where applicable, the images of the prize(s) used in advertisements or displays may not necessarily be the actual prize(s), model(s) or specification(s) issued as prizes. The relevant information may be sought from the casino.
- Prize winners will be selected by way of random draw. Participants who are present for the draw must present themselves to the promotional jockey within 120 seconds of their names being drawn. The participant concerned must produce the corresponding printed or electronic ticket, personalised MVG card or identification document to be eligible for the prize.
- A participant who does not wish to be present at the draw must opt-out of being present for each draw and must furthermore nominate a proxy for each respective draw to represent him/her at the draw by completing a proxy form prior to the draw subject to the terms and conditions set out in the proxy form. Only the participant who was selected as the winner (and not the proxy) will be entitled to the prize(s) subject to these rules. Proxies may only be nominated after participants have entered their tickets for a particular draw.
- If a participant/proxy is not present for the draw or does not present himself or herself within the specified time with the corresponding printed or electronic ticket, personalised MVG card or identification document; or if he or she cannot be identified by the casino in the above manner within the 120 seconds concerned, a redraw will occur for another prize winner without any compensation.
- The respective draw times and dates, and points earning criteria to qualify for entry tickets will be advertised through advertising mediums used for this promotional competition.
- Participants must activate their entry into the draw(s) on the day of the draw(s) prior to the actual draw(s) within the specified times during which entry is open. The opening and closing times for the entry to the draw(s) will be advertised through mediums used by the casino.
- In the event that the promotional competition provides prize winners the opportunity to risk their prize for a higher value prize or another prize altogether, the prize winner concerned will not be compensated for losing the prize he/she risked. In such instance, the prize concerned will be returned to the prize pool.
- Participants consent by virtue of their participation that their personal information, including but not limited to, their name, surname, and/or Sun MVG number, being announced or displayed by the casino.
- Prizes are not transferrable and cannot be exchanged for cash unless otherwise advertised. Prize winners must positively identify themselves by producing a government issued identification document when signing for receipt of their prizes.
- All decisions are final and binding, and no correspondence or appeals will be entertained.
- Any person transgressing the rules of this promotional competition will be disqualified.
- In the event of technical failure, malfunction or damage to the device used during the promotional competition for the selection of prizes and prize winners, irrespective of the cause thereof, another suitable device or method will be used at the sole discretion of Management.
- Every participant/proxy in the promotional competition shall be deemed to have acknowledged and accepted the rules by virtue of their participation.
- In the event that management makes any exception or deviation from these rules, it does not mean that the casino waives any of its rights including but not limited to enforcing these rules in future or similar circumstances that resulted in the exception or deviation concerned.
- The above clauses are severable from each other. Should any clause or part thereof be found not to be enforceable by law, such clause or part thereof will be severed, and the remaining clauses shall remain in force to the full extent that is permissible by law.
- These rules are the official rules for this promotional competition and supersedes any other version. Copies of these rules are available at the Sun MVG Desk upon request and at suninternational.com.
- Management reserves the right to terminate this promotional competition without prior notice and without any compensation, or to enhance prizes or increase the number of prizes or vary other aspects of the promotional competition where such changes benefit the participants (excluding earning criteria).