MonsterJam Poker Tournament
Sun International is excited to welcome the return of the MonsterJam Poker Tournament to a number of its properties in 2018. Following an incredibly successful poker tournament in 2015 – which saw a prize pool of R5.3-million up for grabs – this year’s MonsterJam Poker Tournament is set to be even bigger, with some new locations and gaming options added to the calendar.
Perhaps most excitingly, 2018 will see the introduction on a National Leaderboard, where points will be allocated to participants simply for playing, with all entrants standing a chance to win the title of MonsterJam Poker Tournament Player Of The Year.
What else can you expect in this year’s tournament? Focusing on a high quality, professionally run poker tournament, you can expect a wide range of tournament entries and a diverse selection of poker tournaments that aims to bring this growing, electrifying sport to everybody. Whether you’re a pro at poker or new to the game, anyone can compete in the 2018 Monster Jam Poker Tournament.
A world-class poker series, the MonsterJam Poker Tournament will take place at Sun International casinos across South Africa. To help participants and spectators make the most of this national event, Sun International will also be offering incredible accommodation specials at participating properties.
Where to Catch the Action
As the first national poker tournament in South Africa, Sun International is thrilled to host the tournament at seven of its casinos across the country. Having kicked off at Carnival City Casino in February, MonsterJam moved on to Sun City in April, with stops at GrandWest, Wild Coast Sun, the Boardwalk, Sibaya and Time Square to follow.
How to Enter
The entry requirements for the 2018 MonsterJam Poker Tournament are simple:
- You must be older than 18 years of age;
- You must be registered as a Sun MVG cardholder. If you haven’t signed up to Sun International’s loyalty programme, registration is free at the MVG Desks at all Sun International casinos.
For more information on how to enter and where to play, visit MonsterJam Poker Tour.
Terms and Conditions
- Sun International reserves the right of admission to the tournament.
- The management of Sun International reserve the right to terminate the tournament at any stage without giving prior notification.
- Tournament chips remain the property of Sun International and Prizes are not transferable.
- In the event of any clause, provision, term or condition in these tournament rules be found not to be enforceable or invalid by any law or by election of Sun International, such clause, provision, term or condition shall severed from these rules to which the extent that it shall not invalidate the remaining rules.
Dispute resolution
- All disputes shall be referred to the tournament director for resolution.
- The tournament director’s decision shall be final
- The Participants do however have the option to approach the Gauteng Gambling and Racing Board in the event of a dispute
Tournament Rules
- Persons who are under the age of eighteen or self-excluded or fall within any category of excluded persons, including those who are refused entry, are precluded from participating in the Monster Jam Poker Tour ("MJPT") or from accessing any designated area(s) wherein the MJPT is hosted. Original driver's licences or identity documents or valid passports ("Identification Documents") may be requested at management's discretion.
- The employees of Sun International, Monster Jam, and other contractors, and their immediate family who are prohibited by Sun International's company policy or gambling legislation, and who are actively involved in MJPT, shall be precluded from participation in the MJPT.
- The MJPT is exclusive to certain Sun International casinos ("Sun International") as advertised and it will be managed through its appointed agent Monster Jam (Pty) Ltd ("Monster Jam").
- Persons wishing to participate ("Participants or Players") in the MJPT must register in person for scheduled poker games ("Event") at the respective casinos and pay the required registration fees and buy-in in full. In addition Players must be registered with Sun International's Most Valued Guest loyalty programme ("MVG").
- Persons wishing to pre-register may do so by completing a pre-registration form which is available upon request from Monster Jam and depositing the required registration fees and buy-in into the specified bank account. Pre-registrations close two (2) days prior to any Event and will be finalized for participation in the Event after the registrants concerned have identified themselves in person at the MJPT by producing any of their Identification Documents and MVG cards. For enquiries email Caitlin Fox at Caitlin@monsterjampoker.com.
- Players who are registered in the above manner may re-enter the MJPT by paying the registration fees and buy-in ("Re-buy") prior to any Event provided that they have no chips remaining. Players may elect to forfeit their current stack of chips and re-enter the MJPT by making Re-buys. In these instances, Re-buys will entitle each of the afore-going Players to a full stack of chips. Forfeited chips will be taken out of play and Re-buy Players will be deemed a new participant. In such instances, Players may be allocated different seats and tables than which they were previously allocated.
- Players registering after the Event has commenced ("Late Registrants") will be either be directed to begin play at the start of the next level of that Event or randomly seated at tables where Players have been eliminated at that Event. Late Registrants will be allocated a full stack of chips.
- Late Registrants who enter during the first round of play will not receive any penalty provided that the blinds have not passed their starting position. Late Registrants who enter after the first round of blinds must wait until their first opportunity to post in order to commence play. Furthermore, Late Registrants may elect to post the big blind behind the button, or wait to post the big blind in position to begin play.
- In games with only antes, the Late Registrant must ante at their first opportunity. In mixed Events such as HORSE, Late Registrants entering after the first round of play must post or wait for big blind in blind games, and ante in stud games at their first opportunity.
- It shall be the Players' responsibility to verify their registration documentations to ensure correctness. Any necessary corrections must be made prior to the commencing of any Event.
- Sun International reserves the right to limit the number of entries to the MJPT and may award entries to qualifying persons through any means it deems fit. In instances where entries are awarded, Sun International will contribute the relevant fees to the MJPT.
- Tables and seats allocations will be made by way of random selection at the Event.
- Players who registered for multiple events and do not utilize their registration fees and buy-ins may elect to apply the funds concerned to other Events within the MJPT. Alternatively, Players may request for a refund of their funds, in which case, the request must be made and approved by Monster Jam prior to the commencement of the future Event(s) that the funds were intended for.
- Cancellations made in person or via email must be requested prior to the start of the Event concerned. Monster Jam will refund person who made the registration. Emailed cancellation requests are to be approved by Monster Jam, also prior to the start of the Event. Email the Poker Operations Manager, Caitlin Fox for cancellations at caitlin@monsterjampoker.com.
- Any Player who has not taken a hand by the start of the third level of any Event, even though that Player may be present, will be deemed a no show ("No Show"). No Show Players shall be obliged to remove their chips from play and will be precluded from further participation in that Event. The buy-ins received from No Show Players for the Event concerned will be removed from the prize pool and retained for their collection from the cashiering desk dedicated to the MJPT.
- Players who abuse or appear to abuse the no show rule may be excluded from participation in future tournaments and/or from entering the casino. Sun International shall be entitled to refuse such Player entrance to other Events in the MJPT hosted at the various locations.
- Where Players are not present at the start of the Event, all forced antes and blind bets will accordingly be removed from the absent Player's stack. At the expiry of five (5) minutes, and if there is only a single Player present, the button will advance one position every two minutes and Player who is present will be awarded the small blind and the big blind. In heads-up only Events, the button will advance one (1) positions every minute, and the Player who is present will be awarded the opponent's blind (big or small). In Events that begin with antes such as Seven Card Stud, the Player who is present will receive one round of antes after one minute has elapsed for each sold seat at the table. In event with both blinds and antes such as Deuce-to-Seven No-Limit Draw, the Player who is present will receive one round of blinds and antes after one minute has lapsed for each sold seat at that table.
- Players are prohibited from transferring their chips to other Players, playing in teams, substitution of Players and assisting other Players to play the game ("Prohibited Practices"). Specifically, Prohibited Practices may result in the Player(s) concerned being disqualified from the MJPT.
- It shall be deemed by virtue of any pre-registration or registration for, or participation in the MJPT that the respective Player(s) have acknowledged and accepted these rules and they shall be bound accordingly.
- Players accept that their images, strategy or hole cards may be recorded or captured by the MJPT for possible publication in the media and/or through advertising mediums. Players shall be obliged to reveal their holes cards upon request. Players refusing to display their hole cards or who interfere in the corresponding request shall be penalized in accordance with the house rules, copies of which will be provided to Players.
- Sun International reserves the right to vary the advertised times of the Events at its discretion. Players are to ensure that they verify the times of the Events and to accord with any changes.
- Sun International also reserves the right to cancel, modify, relocate or reschedule the entire MJPT or any Event within the MJPT for any reason it deems fit.
- Players also indemnify and hold harmless Sun International, its affiliates, subsidiaries, management and employees, and agents against any legal action, suits, claims for damages or losses, including theft and personal injury, arising out of the registration for or participation in the MJPT, irrespective of whether the related direct or indirect incident was caused by the negligence or wilful act of any of the afore-going persons.
- Prizes and entries are non-transferable, and prize values are dependent on the accumulated prize pool and type of Event. Prize winners shall be obliged to present any of their Identification Documents when collecting prizes.
- All equipment and gambling instruments (incl. chips) remain the property of Sun International or Monster Jam (as the case may be) and must not be removed from the designated MJPT areas. The removal of the afore-going equipment and gambling instruments may result in the Player(s) concerned being penalized.
- These rules are severable from each other. To the extent that any rule or part thereof be found unenforceable in law, then such rule or part thereof shall be severed and the surviving rules or part thereof shall remain in force.
Poker Game Rules
- Floor People: The Tournament Director, Managers, and Supervisors are to consider the best interest of the game and fairness as the top priority in the decision-making process. Unusual circumstances can on occasion dictate that decisions in the interest of fairness take priority over the technical rules. The Tournament Director ("TD") reserves the right to overrule any floor decision.
- MJPT reserves the right to cancel or alter any event at its sole discretion in the best interest of the casino or its participants.
- Official Language: The English-only rule will be enforced at all MJPT tables during Tournament play. Participants who violate this rule may be subject to penalties.
- Official Terminology of Tournament Poker: Official terms are simple, unmistakable, time-honoured declarations like: bet, call, fold, check, all-in, pot (in pot-limit only), and complete. Regional terms may also meet this standard. The use of non-standard language is at participant's risk because it may result in a ruling other than what the participant intended. It is the responsibility of participants to make their intentions clear.
- Non-Standard and Unclear Betting: participants use unofficial betting terms and gestures at their own risk. These may be interpreted to mean other than what the participant intended. Also, whenever the size of a declared bet can reasonably have multiple meanings, it will be ruled as the lesser value. For example, "I bet five." If it is unclear whether "five" means 500 or 5,000, the bet stands as 500.
- Conditional statements regarding future action are non-standard and strongly discouraged; they may be binding and/or subject to penalty at Tournament Director's discretion in accordance with the appropriate rules. Example: "if – then" statements such as "If you bet, then I will raise."
- Count of Opponent's Chip Stack: Players are entitled to a reasonable estimation of opponents' chip stacks. Players may only request a more precise count if facing an all-in bet. The all-in player is not required to count; if he opts not to, the dealer or floor will count it. Accepted action applies.
- Communication: All cell phones and other voice-enabled and "ringing" electronic devices must be turned off during Tournament play. Participants not involved in a hand (cards in muck) shall be permitted to text/email at the table, but shall not be permitted to text/email any other participant at the table. If MJPT, acting in its sole and absolute discretion, believes a participant is communicating with another participant at the table, both parties will be immediately disqualified from the Tournament and face imposition of additional penalties. All participants desiring to talk on a cell phone must be at least one table length away from their assigned table during all said communication. Those individuals who talk on a cell phone not at least one table length away from their assigned table shall be subject to a penalty to be determined by Tournament Staff. Participants at Televised Final and Feature tables must leave the tournament area to text, email or talk on a cell phone. No cell phones or other electronic communication device can be placed on a poker table.
- Approved Electronic Devices: participants are allowed to use as approved electronic devices iPods, MP3 players and other music player or noise-reduction headsets during Tournament play until they have reached the money in any Tournament, so long as the approved electronic devices are not used to collude or cheat in any way. Once participants are in the money in any Tournament, all approved electronic devices must be removed. An announcement will be made to participants once they have reached the money to remove all such electronic devices. Failure to do so will result in penalties up to and including disqualification.
- Random Correct Seating: Tournament and Satellite seats will be randomly assigned. A participant who started the Tournament in the wrong seat with the correct chip stack amount will be moved to the correct seat and will take their current total chip stack with them. Participants who start the Tournament in the wrong seat in a shootout or heads-up event will be handled on a case by case basis. Tournament staff reserves the right to relocate participants from their assigned seat to accommodate participants based on special needs, and to balance tables at the start of the Tournament.
- Breaking Order: The breaking order for an event will be posted at the close of registration for that event. The table to which a participant is moved will be specified by a predetermined procedure. Participants going from a broken table to fill in seats assume the rights and responsibilities of the position. They can get the big blind, the small blind or the button. The only place they cannot get a hand is between the small blind and the button. MJPT reserves the right to alter the breaking order due to unusual circumstances.
- Balancing Tables: In full-table events, play will halt on a table 3 or more players short of the table with the most players. Play will halt on other game formats (ex: 6-handed and turbos) at TDs discretion. Not halting play is not a cause for a misdeal and TDs may elect not to halt play at their discretion. In fields greater than 20 tables, participants will be moved from the next numerical table at full capacity to the short table. Once a Tournament is below 20 tables, participants will be moved from the next table in the breaking order that is at full capacity to the short table. Participants moving from a full table to a short table assume the same rights and responsibilities of the position concerned.
- In flop and mixed events when balancing tables, the participant who will be the big blind next will be moved from the big blind to the worst position, including taking a single big blind. Worst position is never the small blind. In stud only events, participants will be moved by position (the last seat to open up at the short table is the seat to be filled).
- In mixed events (example: HORSE), when the game shifts from hold'em to stud, after the last hold'em hand the button is moved exactly to the position it would be if the next hand was hold'em and then frozen there during the stud round. The participant moved during stud is the participant who would be the big blind if the game was hold'em for that hand. When hold'em resumes the button for the first hand will be at the position where it was frozen.
- When the Tournament reaches 12 tables or when manageable as deemed appropriate by the tournament staff, the remaining tables will be balanced within one participant until the final table is reached. There will be a re-draw for seat assignments when play reaches three tables, again at two tables, and for the final table seat assignments for events that have 100 or more participants. For events with less than 100 participants but more than 50, there will be a re-draw at two tables and again for final table seat assignments.
- Number of Participants at Final Table: Final tables will have the number of players at a full table for the event, plus one more player. (ex: 9-handed events seat 10 at the final table, 8-handed stud seats 9, 6-handed seats 7, etc.). No final table should seat more than 10. This rule does not apply to heads-up events.
- Declarations: Cards speak to determine the winner. Verbal declarations of hand value are not binding at showdown. However, deliberately miscalling a hand may be penalized. Any player, in the hand or not, should speak up if he or she thinks a mistake is being made in the reading of hands. However at MJPT's discretion, any participant deliberately miscalling his or her hand will be subject to penalties.
- Face up for All-Ins: All cards will be turned face up once a participant is all in and all betting action for the hand is complete. If a participant accidentally folds/mucks their hand before cards are turned up, the Tournament Staff reserves the right to retrieve the folded/mucked cards if the cards are clearly identifiable.
- Killing Winning Hand: A dealer cannot kill a winning hand that was tabled and was obviously the winning hand. A tabled hand is defined as a hand that a participant places on the table such that the dealer and all participants at the table can read. Participants are encouraged to assist in reading tabled hands if it appears that an error is about to be made.
- Showdown: In a non all-in showdown, if cards are not spontaneously tabled, the Floor People may enforce an order of show. The last aggressive player on the final betting round (final street) must table first. If there was no bet on the final street, then the player who would be first to act in a betting round must table first (i.e. first seat left of the button in flop games, high hand showing in stud, low hand showing in razz, etc.) Players not still in possession of their cards at showdown, or who have mucked face down without tabling their cards, lose any rights or privileges they may have to ask to see any hand. The winning hand must be shown to claim the pot. If a participant refuses to show their hand and intentionally mucks his or her hand, the participant in violation will receive a penalty.
- Awarding Odd Chips: Odd chips will be broken into the smallest denominations possible. In board games with 2 or more high or low hands, the odd chip goes to the first seat left of the button. In high stud, razz, and if there are 2 or more high or low hands in stud/8; the odd chip goes to the high card by suit in the best 5-card hand. In H/L split, the odd chip in the total pot goes to the high side. If identical hands win both high and low (ex: 2 wheels in Omaha/8) the pot will be split as evenly as possible.
- Side Pots: Each side pot will be split separately.
- Playing the Board at Showdown: When playing the board a player must table all hole cards in order to get part of the pot.
- Disputed Pots: The right to dispute a hand ends when a new hand begins. A hand begins with the first rifffle
- Chip Race and Scheduled Color Ups: A: At scheduled color-ups, chips will be raced off, starting in seat 1, with a maximum of one chip awarded to a player. Players cannot be raced out of an event: a player losing his remaining chip(s) in a race will get 1 chip of the lowest denomination still in play. B: Players must have their chips fully visible and are encouraged to witness the chip race. C: If after the race, a player still has chips of a removed denomination, they will be exchanged for current denominations only at equal value. Chips of removed denominations that do not fully total at least the smallest denomination still in play will be removed without compensation.
- Deck changes will be on the dealer push or limit changes or as prescribed by MJPT. Participants may not ask for deck changes unless a card is damaged.
- New Hand and New Limits: When time has elapsed in a round and a new level is announced, the new level applies to the next hand. A new hand begins with the first riffle. If an automatic shuffler is used, the hand begins when the green button is pushed.
- Calling-for-clock: Once a reasonable amount of time, which is no less than two minutes, has passed and a clock is called, a participant will be given 50 seconds to make a decision. If action has not been taken by the time the 50 seconds has expired, there will be a 10-second countdown followed by a declaration or stop-watch alarm. If a participant has not acted before the declaration or alarm sounds, the hand will be dead. Tournament Supervisors reserve the right to speed up the amount of time allotted for a clock if it appears that a participant is deliberately stalling. Any participant intentionally stalling the progress of the game will incur a penalty.
- Rabbit Hunting: No rabbit hunting is allowed. Rabbit hunting is revealing any cards "that would have come" if the hand had not ended.
- At Your Seat: A participant must be at his or her seat by the time all participants have been dealt complete initial hands to have a live hand. Participants must be at their seats to call the clock in the described manner. "At your seat" is defined as being within reach or touch of your chair.
- Action Pending: participants must remain at the table if they still have action pending on a live hand. If a participant leaves the table before they have acted on their hand a penalty will be enforced when the participant in violation returns to the table.
- Non-Standard Folds: Anytime before the end of the last betting round of a hand, folding in turn when there's been no bet to you (ex: facing a check or first to act post-flop) or folding out of turn are both binding folds and may be subject to penalty.
- Dead Button: Tournament play will use the dead button rule. Dead Button is defined as a button that cannot be advanced due to elimination of a participant or the seating of a new participant into a position between the small blind and the button.
- Dodging Blinds: A participant who intentionally dodges his or her blind(s) when moving from a broken table must forfeit both blinds and incur a penalty.
- Button in Heads Play: In heads-up play, the small blind is on the button and acts first pre-flop and last on all other betting rounds. The last card is dealt to the button. When beginning heads-up play, the button may need to be adjusted to ensure neither player has the big blind twice in a row.
- Misdeals: A: Misdeals include but are not necessarily limited to: 1) 2 or more boxed cards on the initial deal; 2) first card dealt to the wrong seat; 3) cards dealt to a seat not entitled to a hand; 4) a seat entitled to a hand is dealt out; 5) In stud, if any of the players' 2 down cards are exposed by dealer error; 6) In flop games, if either of the first 2 cards dealt off the deck or any other 2 downcards are exposed by dealer error. Players may be dealt 2 consecutive cards on the button. House standards apply for draw games (ex: lowball). B: If a misdeal is declared, the re-deal is an exact re-play: the button does not move, no new players are seated, and limits stay the same. Cards are dealt to players on penalty or who were not at their seats for the original deal, and their hands are killed after the re-deal. The original deal and re-deal count as one hand for a player on penalty, not two. C: If substantial action occurs, a misdeal cannot be declared and the hand must proceed. Substantial Action is either: A) any two actions in turn, at least one of which puts chips in the pot (i.e. any 2 actions except 2 checks or 2 folds); OR B) any combination of three actions in turn (check, bet, raise, call, or fold).
- Four-Card Flop: If the flop contains four (rather than three) cards, whether exposed or not, the dealer shall scramble the four cards face down. A Tournament official will be called to randomly select one card to be used as the next burn card and the remaining three cards will become the flop.
- Verbal Declarations / Action in Turn: Verbal declarations in turn regarding wagers are binding. Participants must act in turn at all times. Action out of turn will be binding if the action to that participant has not changed. A check, call or fold is not considered action changing. If a participant acts out of turn and the action changes, the person who acted out of turn may change their action by calling, raising or folding and may have their chips returned. Participants may not intentionally act out of turn to influence play before them. A player skipped by out of turn action must defend his right to act. If the skipped player has not spoken up by the time substantial action occurs to his left, the out of turn action is binding. The Floor Person will be called to render a decision on how to treat the skipped hand. All-in buttons will be utilized in all MJPT Bracelet Events. Violators will receive a penalty.
- All chips put into the pot in turn stay in the pot. If a participant has raised and his or her hand is killed before the raise is called, the participant may be entitled to the raise back, but will forfeit the amount of the call. Any chips put into the pot out of turn fall under the action "may or may not be binding" rule.
- Methods of Calling: Standard and acceptable forms of calling include: A) verbally declaring "call"; B) pushing out chips equal to a call; C) silently pushing out an oversized chip; or D) silently pushing out multiple chips equal to a call under the multiple-chip betting rule (Rule 43). Silently betting chip(s) relatively tiny to the bet (ex: NLHE, blinds 2k-4k. A bets 50k, B then silently puts out a single 1k chip) is non-standard, strongly discouraged, subject to penalty, and will be interpreted at TDs discretion, including being ruled a full call.
- Method of Raising: In no-limit or pot-limit, a raise must be made by a.) Placing the full amount in the pot in one or more continuous motion(s) without going back toward the participant's stack or b.) Verbally declaring the full amount prior to the initial placement of chips into the pot or c.) Verbally declaring "raise" prior to the placement of the exact amount to call into the pot and then completing the action with one additional motion back to the participant's stack. If other than the exact amount to call, but less than a minimum raise is first put out, it will be ruled a minimum raise. It is the participant's responsibility to make their intentions clear.
- Raises: If a participant puts in a raise of 50% or more of the previous bet but less than the minimum raise, he or she will be required to make a full raise. The raise will be exactly the minimum raise allowed.
- In no-limit and pot-limit, all raises must be equal to or greater than the size of the previous bet or raise on that betting round. An all-in wager of less than a full raise does not reopen the betting to a participant who has already acted. Exception - two consecutive all-in wagers that exceed the minimum allowable bet or raise. By way of example, participant A - bets 500, participant B - raises to 1,000, participant C - calls 1,000, participant D - moves all-in for 1,300, participant E - moves all-in for 1,700. If participant A calls or folds, then participants B & C will have an option to raise. The minimum allowable raise will be equal to the last complete raise. In this example, the last complete raise was 500; therefore, participants B or C would be allowed to call 1,700 and raise 500 for a total wager of 2,200. Also, participants B or C could raise more than 500. (The half-the-size rule for reopening the betting is for limit poker only.)
- Oversized Chip Betting: Putting a single oversized chip or multiple same-denomination chips into the pot will be considered a call if the participant doesn't announce a raise. For example, pre-flop, blinds are 200-400: A raises to 1,200 total (an 800 raise), B puts out two 1,000 chips without declaring raise. This is just a call because removing one 1,000 chip leaves less than the amount needed to call the 1,200 bet. To make a raise with a single oversized chip, a verbal declaration must be made before the chip hits the table surface. If a participant says "Raise" as an oversized chip is placed into the pot (with the word Raise being announced prior to the chip landing on the table surface), but doesn't state the amount, the raise will be the maximum allowable up to the denomination of that chip. After the flop, an initial bet of a single oversized chip without comment will signify a bet equal to the size of the chip.
- Previous Bet Chips Not Pulled In: If a player faces a raise and has chips in front of him not yet pulled in from a prior bet, those chips (and any change due) may affect whether his betting response to the raise is a call or re-raise. Because several possibilities exist, players are encouraged to verbally declare their bet before putting out new chips on top of chips from a prior bet not yet pulled in.
- Over-Betting Expecting Change. Betting action should not be used to obtain change. Example: The opening bet is 325 to A and he silently puts out 525 (one 500 and one 25), expecting 200 change. This is a raise to 650 under the multiple chip rule. Putting out more than the intended bet can confuse everyone at the table. All chips pushed out silently are at risk of being counted as part of the bet.
- Number of Raises:
- There is no cap on the number of raises in no-limit games.
- In limit events there will be a maximum of one bet and four raises, even if there are only two participants remaining in the hand. Once the Tournament becomes heads-up (that is, only two participants remain in the entire Tournament), this rule does not apply. There may be unlimited raises at the heads-up level.
- Pot Size and Pot Limit Bets: participants are entitled to be informed of the pot size in pot-limit games only. Dealers will not count the pot in limit and no-limit games. If requested, dealers may spread the pot so that it can be counted by a participant. Declaring "I bet the pot" is not a valid bet in no-limit but it does bind a participant to making at least the minimum bet. If the player is facing a bet he must make a valid raise.
- Strings Bets and Raises: Dealers will be responsible for calling string bets/raises. All participants at the table are encouraged to assist in calling a string bet/raise if a dealer fails to identify it. String bets/raises called by a participant must be verified by a floor person. A string bet/raise is defined as attempting a bet or raise in multiple movements that include a return to a participant's stack without a prior verbal declaration of intent or visual deception intended to induce action out of turn before a participant's action is complete.
- ccepted Action: Poker is a game of alert, continuous observation. It is the caller's responsibility to determine the correct amount of an opponent's bet before calling, regardless of what is stated by the dealer or players. If a caller requests a count but receives incorrect information from the dealer or players, then places that amount in the pot, the caller is assumed to accept the full correct action & is subject to the correct wager or all-in amount.
- All-In with Chips Found Behind Later: If A bets all-in and a hidden chip is found behind after a player has called, the TD will determine if the chip behind is part of accepted action or not. If not part of the action, A will not be paid off for the chip(s) if he wins. If A loses he is not saved by the chip(s) and the TD may award the chip(s) to the winning caller.
- Cards and Chip stacks Kept Visible, Countable, and Manageable. Discretionary Colour-Ups: Participants are entitled to a reasonable estimation of an opponent's chip count; thus chips should be kept in countable stacks. Clean stacks in multiples of 20 are recommended as a standard. Participants must keep their higher denomination chips visible and identifiable at all times. Floor People will control the number & denomination of chips in play and may colour up at their discretion. Discretionary colour ups are to be announced. Players with live hands must keep their cards in plain view at all times.
- Chips in Transit: All chips must be visible at all times. Participants may not hold or transport Tournament chips in any manner that takes them out of view or out of the Tournament area. A participant who does so will forfeit the chips and face disqualification. The forfeited chips will be taken out of play. It has never acceptable to conceal chips in any manner, whether in pockets, under clothing or in closed hands, etc. Chips must remain visible to floor staff, dealers and other participants at all times.
- Protect Your Hand: participants must protect their own hands at all times. A protected hand is defined as a hand sitting on the table surface with a card cap (see Rule 106) placed on top of the hand. If a dealer or participant kills or fouls an unprotected hand, the participant will have no redress and will not be entitled to his or her money back. If the participant initiated a bet or raise and hasn't been called, the uncalled bet or raise will be returned to the participant.
- Dead Hands and Mucking in Stud: In stud poker, if a player picks up the upcards while facing action, the hand is dead. Proper mucking in stud is turning down all up cards and pushing them all forward face down.
- Foreign Objects: There will be no foreign objects on the table except for a maximum of one card cap (also known as a card protector). Card caps can be no larger than two (2) inches in diameter and no more than one-half (1/2) inch in depth. Participants may not place any food or beverages on the poker table with the exception of one (1) capped bottle of water.
- Penalties: In its sole and absolute discretion, MJPT may impose penalties ranging from a verbal warning, one missed hand away from the table up to disqualification and expulsion from the Casino. Penalties will be invoked in cases of soft-play, abuse or disruptive behaviour, and cheating or collusion. A penalty will also be imposed if a participant throws a card off the table, forcefully mucks their cards causing one or all cards to turn over, violates the one-participant-to-a-hand rule or engages in similar behaviour. One-participant-to-a-hand means a participant may not receive advice from anyone while in a hand and may not provide advice to any participant while that participant is in a hand.
- Tournament officials can assess a verbal warning, a missed hand, or one-round, two-round, three-round or four-round penalties and disqualification.
- A missed-hand penalty will be assessed as follows: The offender can miss one hand or one to four rounds of hands away from the table. The offender's missed hand is counted as part of the round when a penalty is given.
- Participants who receive a missed-hand penalty must remain outside the designated Tournament areas for the length of their penalty.
- The participant must notify the Tournament staff prior to returning to their seat. Repeat infractions are subject to escalating penalties up to disqualification.
- MJPT will maintain a written log of all penalties issued throughout the duration of the MJPT.
- It should be noted that penalties may not always be imposed in successive manner. Tournament staff in their sole discretion, for example, can disqualify a person for a first offense if action of participant is deemed worthy. Or a participant, for example, may forego a warning and be assessed a three round penalty. Participants should know any conduct deemed penalty-worthy could result in a wide range of discipline for a first offense.
- Disqualification: A participant who is disqualified shall have his or her chips removed from play and no refund will be provided to that disqualified participant. Any participant who forfeits play for health or other personal reasons after the start of a Tournament will have his or her chips blinded off accordingly.
- Table Talk / Disclosure: participants are obligated to protect the other participants in the Tournament at all times. Therefore, whether in a hand or not, participants may not:
- Disclose contents of live or folded hands,
- Advise or criticize play at any time,
- Read a hand that hasn't been tabled,
- Discuss strategy with an outside source.
- The one-participant-to-a-hand rule will be enforced.
- Special Exceptions
- A participant is allowed to mention the strength or content of his/her hand if no other participant in the hand will have a decision to make.
- In heads-up events or when down to the last two participants in a Tournament, participants may speak freely regarding the contents of their hands.
- The Floor Person reserves the right use his/her judgment to determine if one participant intentionally helped another participant. Participants who violate this rule are subject to penalty.
- Exposing Cards and Proper Folding: A participant exposing his or her cards with action pending will incur a penalty, but will not have a dead hand. The penalty will begin at the end of the hand. All participants at the table are entitled to see the exposed card(s), if requested. When folding, cards should be pushed forward low to the table, not deliberately exposed or tossed high ("helicoptered").
- Ethical Play: Poker is an individual game. Soft play will result in penalties that may include forfeiture of chips and/or disqualification. Chip dumping and other forms of collusion will result in disqualification.
- Etiquette Violations: Repeated etiquette violations will result in the imposition of penalties assessed by the Tournament Staff. Examples include, but are not limited to, unnecessarily touching other participants' cards or chips, body, or clothing, delay of the game, repeatedly acting out of turn, betting out of reach of the dealer, or excessive chatter. Excessive chatter includes, but is not limited to, talking or conversation that causes a disruption of participants who are in a hand.